Madison Aichele
Championing God-Given Creative Dreams
Faith and Creativity Intertwine
God is involved in the creative process—His presence isn’t limited to church services and worship sessions. As a lifelong lover of writing as a form of prayer, I learned through several conversations that many people don’t associate creativity as a connection point with God and faith.
Many of the women I spoke to struggled to see the worth in their unique acts of creation because they didn’t fall into a category they deemed “necessary.” Yet, time and again, God’s shown up in the quiet hours of private journaling, painting, and sharing—His artistry made apparent in the gentle decision to show up to blank pages and canvases.
Creativity and faith aren’t separate pieces of our lives. They intertwine. For the creative dreamer, visions of beautiful things connect us to something otherworldly, heavenly. It’s no small thing to echo our origins, bound and held by the breath of God as He spoke over creation. It’s not wasted time; it’s the faithful act of co-creation: creating in collaboration with the Father as He inspires, guides, and beckons.
Faithful creativity matters because it speaks to and about something—Someone—eternal.
Where to Go
Enrich your Faith
Explore the Everyday Faith, Extraordinary God blog series. Each month, a woman shares her testimony of faith being met by our extraordinary God. Be encouraged, inspired, and comforted by the stories of women just like you.

Everyday Faith, Extraordinary God
Relatable and inspiring stories from women whose everyday faith was met by our extraordinary God