Faith and Heart Podcast
A podcast for the women courageously choosing faith and heart in a world driven by sight and success. Settle in, get cozy, and be encouraged.

Obedience is the Key to Excellence
In this unscripted episode, hear how God is convicting me in this season to simply say 'yes' before jumping into logistics. We often prioritize planning over obedience. But what if having everything in line, pristine, and perfect isn't actually the key to doing something well? I truly believe obedience is the key to excellence. Be encouraged in this episode to trust God with your faithful and brave 'yes'.

The Courage to Continue
How do you continue when faith has called your steps into a new land, where more remains unseen and undiscovered than known and familiar? When dreams and hopes feel like vague visions of a wishful future than an achievable reality? How do you keep going when so much feels ungraspable, like sand slipping through your hands?
In the episode, be encouraged to courageously choose to continue. And be reminded of why not giving up matters so much.

Trusting God’s Unfailing Character
Walking by faith rather than relying on sight can be disorienting and confusing. But we can always come back to the truth of God's unfailing character. Even when we can't see what's next, we know He's with us and for us.

Faithful With What You’ve Been Given
We won't always understand what God's entrusted to us or what He calls us to. While fear can take over when we don't feel equipped or qualified, God doesn't make mistakes. In this episode, be encouraged to continue being faithful with what you've been given.

On Co-Creation: The Reshare
I've shared these words before, but this topic has weighed heavy on my heart and mind in recent weeks. I share them with you again with the belief that co-creation is also listening to the nudges of the Spirit wherever they may lead.

The Sacred Act of Listening
Being able to listen well and respond to the voice of the Father is a huge part of the faith and heart journey. It's His guidance that gives us the confidence and assurance we're heading in the right direction even when we don't see how all the pieces will come together. In this episode, I'll share encouragement and reflections on the sacred act of listening.

You Are Here and That Matters
There’s often a divide between what we believe about ourselves and what God tells us to believe. We get lost in the day-to-day drudgery of the planting, the tending, and the stewarding. And as we wait to see the fruit of our effort, we forget. We forget how deeply we matter because our view is captivated by the “not yet’s” and the “not what we wanted.” We only see what we’re not.
But we are here – and that matters.

The Fruit Will Come
Hard work and prayer have sustained you, but now the sight of empty fields feels like too much to bear. You wonder, “Will there ever be fruit?” as you take a seat where you are, gripping the barren ground you’re hoping will give way to life.
These are the seasons of choosing faith over sight, of trusting that long-held dreams and faithfully planted choices are developing roots underneath the surface. While your hands may have surrendered those seeds into the soil of your life, they’ve never left God’s hands. He is still faithfully tending to each and every one, personally overseeing their preservation.
The fruit will come.

Everything Will Be Ok
At one stop along the coastline, I found myself alone, overlooking a stunning expanse of deep waters speckled with small islands. Wind was whipping my hair as I stood praying. My eyes were peeled for birds as I brought my confusion and overwhelm to God, hoping the Dublin experience wouldn’t repeat itself.
But no bird poop ever came. No thundering voice from the sky did, either, but the wind seemed to wash over me with the words, “Everything will be ok.”

Choosing Faith When You Want To Give Up
I think there’s a common misconception that faith should naturally rise to the occasion, filling your heart with the strength and wisdom you need to make the right choice. But I’m reminded time and again that faith is a choice. More often than not, it’s the choice that goes against the grain of what feels comfortable and natural. And that’s ok.

Birthday Reflections
With a birthday just around the corner, I'm spending extra time reflecting on my experiences this past year. In this episode, hear what I've learned about choosing faith and heart through my own personal journey, and how often God doesn't ask us to walk a linear life path. While the decisions He calls us to may not make sense to us in the moment, we can trust His process as we faithfully choose obedience and sow the seeds He's asked us to.

Don’t Turn Back
Don’t turn back.
In this episode, hear my personal experience learning a timeless truth and how God spoke to my heart amid a transition to keep me from turning back.

Carried By God’s Grace
I was sick last week. Throughout my recovery, I was challenged and encouraged to rest in God’s grace. In this episode, I share my sick-day reflections and testimony of how God’s strength and way-making didn’t end when I couldn’t offer my best.

The Slow Process of Becoming
Direction can be a magical thing when held with open hands. But there seems to be this massive pressure, at least this unspoken rule that you have to figure out how to bridge the gap between now and what will be.
But becoming is often a slow and steady process best trusted in God’s hands. In this episode, be encouraged to find purpose in the process.

Co-Creation With the Ultimate Creator
When we're called, we're not just supposed to sit back and let God do all the work. He absolutely can and will provide and make a way, but we have the joy and responsibility of partnering with Him as co-creators. In this episode, be encouraged to accept the invitation as co-creator and faithfully follow God's lead one step at a time.

You Don’t Have to Go Quickly to Do Greatly
The world can feel overwhelming, there’s so much pressure to pick up our pace and move to a beat that doesn’t feel like our own. But if we don’t rush ahead, we’re told we’ll be left behind. I think that’s a message we always hear, whether it’s written on our report cards or implied.
In this episode, be encouraged by the reminder that God is always moving even when our pace feels slow.

Past Experiences Don’t Limit God’s Capacity to Use You
Past experiences don’t limit God’s capacity to use us. He’s always with us, and He’s always moving, even during those seasons of life we wish didn’t take up real estate in our minds and hearts.
Listen to this episode to be reminded of God’s miraculous gift that’s always available to us.

Welcome to Faith and Heart
Welcome to the Faith and Heart podcast! In this inaugural episode, I’ll break down what you can expect from future episodes.