Shadow of the Moon
We may not see the light in our minds, but the shadows are never devoid of stars that remind us there is goodness. There is life. There is love still shining bright.

Where My Faith and Heart Journey Began
There was a moment I found myself alone, standing by a cliff’s edge on the coast. Wind whipped my hair while the deep blue waters calmed my soul. I found myself praying about life, what I was supposed to do, and who I was supposed to be…

Listening to the Frogs: A Reflection on Presence and Memory
It was then I wrote about the mystery of memory, and the connections our hearts make during rest and slumber. “Eyes closed, heart open,” is the phrase that spilled onto the page.

The Refreshing Waters of Grace
I was the rushing water, flowing toward a climactic moment. A moment that felt like the end of everything. But God. I wasn’t alone, and hitting those depths wasn’t the final chapter. I’d reach the calm and unhurried waters below and experience something greater. I’d experience the miraculous power of grace.

Building Faithful Foundations
When I’m excited about an idea or dream, I want to rush ahead. I grasp the very thing God gave me out of His hands and barrel forward. But He’s been reminding me of the importance that lies in the tracks. We can’t jump on the train without first laying the tracks.
We need faithful foundations.

What I’m Learning about God’s Heart
There are so many things I wish I could fit into this one blog post. God is so good! His heart is the picture of ultimate beauty. His divine nature is so opposite to what I would ever come up with on my own. I hope you’ll spend time getting to experience His heart that is unmatched because you’ll never walk away disappointed or hurt. You’ll only be pulled deeper into the folds of a love that never fails.

Identity: Who You Are vs. What You Do
My worth was so tied to how things were going in my life that I couldn’t even muster the courage or energy to share the truth with family. But I learned something that has powerfully shaped my life and work to this day: you are not what you do.

Taking Steps of Faith
Faith won’t always lead us in the obvious direction. It requires a generous amount of surrender and trust. What I learned during that season of life is when we answer the call of faith, we will always be provided for.

How to Identify your Core Values
Core values are a key element of purpose. They guide critical decisions, your behavior, and provide an anchor point during even the most tumultuous times of your life. While dreams and goals may change, your values provide a constant source of direction.

How Failure Refines Purpose
Your worst failures don’t define you, they refine you. Often, they dismantle long-held beliefs that won’t serve you along your path. The story becomes woven into a more beautiful tapestry of redemption and fulfillment. You may be sitting in the depths of something that feels devastating and shameful but I’m here to remind you there’s more beyond that.

4 Techniques to Cultivate a Calm Mind
These are just a few practices that have helped me and I hope help you on your journey to a calm and quiet mind. I want to leave you with a reminder to extend ample grace to yourself. You may be facing a difficult moment and bearing the weight of a mind that is busy, but this too shall pass. Carve out quiet time for yourself to test these mindful techniques or incorporate others into your routine.