How to Identify your Core Values
Core values are a key element of your purpose. They guide critical decisions, your behavior, and provide an anchor point during even the most tumultuous times of your life. While dreams and goals may change, your values provide a constant source of direction. They are the compass that will keep you in alignment with purpose.
So, how do you know what your values are?
First, you should be clear on what values are. Brené Brown describes them like this, “A value is a way of being or believing that we hold most important…”
In the rest of her definition, she explains that, “...Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk–we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviors align with those beliefs.”
I love this definition because of its emphasis on not just expressing your values but truly living them. In the context of purpose, values play a huge role. Without the knowledge of what’s most important to you, purpose will feel fleeting and incomplete. Living in purpose starts by identifying your core values–so you can be guided down an intentional path that reflects your beliefs.
How do you know what your values are? Below, you’ll find tips that personally helped me identify my own core values: Authenticity, Courage, and Kindness.
Here is a list of values to give you examples of what they can be. There are many values to choose from and you certainly are not limited to what I’ve listed above.
How do you want to show up?
Take some time to really reflect on this question. How do you want to show up? What values do you most want to embody? Clarity only comes when you’re willing to ask yourself questions and sit with the answers that rise to the surface.
If you’re a visual person, close your eyes and imagine the most empowered version of yourself. This can help you identify the way you want to look and feel and the values you most want to embody.
If you’re more of a written processor like me, use the question, “How do you want to show up?” as a journal prompt and spend 5-10 minutes writing down what comes to you.
Who do you look up to and enjoy being around?
While you should never copy or mimic anyone else, noting the people you love to be around and the values they represent can be a useful clue as you determine your own values. Is there a value they embody that deeply resonates with and lights you up?
Spend a few moments with this question and see if you notice any value similarities in people that come to mind.
How would you want to be described?
What would you want people to say about you when you’re not in the room? How would you want to be described? A piece of purpose comes from living out the values that matter most to you. As you work to identify what those core values are, thinking about how you want to be described or remembered can be a useful reflection.
What are you passionate about? What do you really dislike?
Finally, look at what you’re passionate about. What drives you and lights a fire within you? Is there a passion that coincides with a certain value? You can find clues in the way you already live out values without being aware.
On the flip side, look at what really bothers you. If you’re having a difficult time identifying what’s most important to you, look at what you absolutely wouldn’t want to embody. What is the opposite of who you want to be and the way you want to show up in the world? That knowledge can point you in the right direction.
Use these five free journal prompts to help you reflect, find clarity, and identify how you can discover your values and incorporate them purposefully in everyday life. Download the PDF now.
If you want to dive deeper into discovering your core values and how to incorporate them in everyday life, I’ve included free journal prompts you can use as a helpful resource. Each prompt was designed to help you reflect, identify, and incorporate your core values in everyday life.
If you’d like to explore purpose more broadly, you can also download my free Purpose Discovery Guide at the bottom of this page.