Taking Steps of Faith


“I can’t do this anymore but I don’t know where to go.” I had hit my breaking point at a draining job. Anxiety had made its home in my life and I knew something had to change but I was scared to take a step. I felt stuck. 

Four years ago, this was my reality. I had a dream to own an online store, to be a business owner, but I didn’t know how to bring that idea to life. I was working full time but barely making it by financially. I lost hope for my future in the midst of my circumstances.

One day, I decided to prioritize faith in my life. I needed something greater than myself to cling to and faith didn’t disappoint. As I was searching for a new job, I stumbled upon an opening for an e-commerce assistant at a small local business. A spark of hope reignited in my soul as I connected the dots between my dream and what this job could teach me. With a small glimmer of courage, I applied.

That’s when I felt the whisper. 

“Turn in your two weeks.”

Wait, what? I stopped dead in my tracks, wondering why this thought arose. Yes, I was unhappy so it wasn’t totally out of the question that I was just ready to leave. But this felt different. It was a gentle whisper, a nudge that felt deeper than an impulse. 

I sat in silence and allowed this voice to grow in strength. I didn’t question it, I just allowed myself to experience it. Turning in my two weeks without knowing what was next didn’t make sense on the surface but something told me it was an important piece of walking in faith. 

So, with an unbalanced combination of fear and trust, I turned in my two weeks. 

The next day, I landed an interview for the e-commerce position. The day after that, I was offered the job. 

Faith won’t always lead us in the obvious direction. It requires a generous amount of surrender and trust. What I learned during that season of life is when we answer the call of faith, we will always be provided for. We may not understand the step we’re taking but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong step to take. 

In my experience, ignoring the whisper of faith creates more harm than doing the “crazy” thing it's telling you to do. You run the risk of getting stuck in a space you were only meant to pass through. You miss out on experiences of growth, joy, and expansion. 

You may think, “Well, it worked out for you that time. You got lucky.” Maybe. But, that wasn’t the last step of crazy faith I’ve made and every story I tell you would end the same way. I was provided for and supported. And you will be too.

I don’t know what you’re facing today or the decision you’re feeling led to make, but I do know you’ll be ok. Don’t be afraid of taking two steps back in faith. In your story, that moment will likely be the foundation of something incredible. 


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